Friday afternoon. A short interview with Alexander Meyers. Marketing guru at Adobe. Telling us more about their collaboration with Dutch Digital Design. A collaboration that was already initiated in the early days of Dutch Digital Design, but recently re-ignited with this great initiative: Adobe is sharing Dutch Digital Design’s cases on their social channels - one every week.
Everyone knows Adobe. So, why this collaboration?
Adobe’s vision is to change the world through digital experience. Every experience starts with creativity. Adobe enables this digital creativity. Dutch Digital Design celebrates outstanding digital design from the Netherlands and, therefore, digital creativity. So, a great partnership.
With this collaboration we hope to offer an even wider platform to help promote the best of Dutch digital design. Making all this fantastic work even more visible. We can help to distribute the work from Dutch digital agencies worldwide. To all Adobe users.
Great news for us. Also great news for Adobe?
Yes, of course. Dutch Digital Design gives us access to the best Dutch digital agencies. They create exceptional digital creative work – often using Adobe products – confirming Adobe’s vision. A great showcase of how our products work. What better way to demonstrate our product portfolio!
However, we are always searching for new ways to extend our relationship beyond the digital connections we have with our customers. This is why we are continuously looking for initiatives to bring creatives together – for example during (online*) events.
*Due to the corona crisis all Adobe events take place online
Are there any more of these initiatives?
Adobe Behance. Behance is the leading online platform to showcase and discover creative work from around the world. Creative people globally join Behance, entering a community - made with their original work and creative process in mind. Users showcase their work and skills. A platform where you can show how you actually create your work. Nice to know that some of the Dutch Digital Design’s curators* are already members of our Behance community.
*Dutch Digital Design curators are a panel of creative experts. They scout new work, and select the cases promoted through our channels.
What does the future hold with regards to this collaboration?
Our collaboration is not just going to stop with sharing the Dutch Digital Design cases on our Adobe Benelux Facebook and Adobe NL Twitter accounts. Adobe organises a lot of events around the globe. We already offer Dutch Digital Design and their partner agencies a stage at those events. And some of them feature on our live streams, on our Behance platform – sharing their great work.