Together with New Dutch Wave, we invited six Dutch digital design agencies to share their thoughts, and relevant projects, in line with this year's SXSW theme: a new urgency. New Dutch Wave is a platform designed to inspire, connect and generate new business for Dutch entrepreneurs, including creatives, start-ups and artists. A place where they can present themselves to a relevant international audience. SXSW took place online, between 16-20 March 2021.
2020 has amplified issues like racial injustice, inequality, accessibility, and the climate crisis - amidst a global pandemic. In what ways can digital design contribute positively to a better world?
Sharing a 15-minute video of the two sessions - moderated by the fabulous Emily Hinks from Mischief Makers. Have a look and listen how Fabrique, Code d'Azur, MediaMonks, Kapooow, Robot Kittens and Build in Amsterdam discuss these topical and very relevant issues. Do they believe that digital design can contribute to a better world? Does the way the world is changing have an effect on their work, and the way they work?
Amanda Boomstra (Fabrique), Nik Nieuwenhuis (Code d'Azur), Sebastiaan Scheer (MediaMonks), Remco Dongor (Kapooow), Tijmen Mulder (Robot Kittens) and Margot Gabel (Build in Amsterdam) chat about people, organisations, projects and ways of working they admire. About changes that are needed to be made in order to make the world a better place. They talk about sustainability, diversity, inclusivity and accessibility. How much this matters to them. And how this works within their industry. And, finally, why are the Netherlands such a hot spot when it comes to digital design?